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Navamsa Course: Level 2

Language: English

Instructors: Shubham Alock Singh

₹36000 including GST

Why this course?


Though it is an Advanced Level of Navamsa course and there is the first level of Navamsa course which can be purchased, here –

Though it is highly recommended to do the first level of the course first to get a good thorough and complete understanding of Navamsa (D9), this is a separate level which teaches everything from scratch and doing level one before this is only optional and recommended but not necessary.

Topics to be taught in these two classes’ webinars.

  1. Shubham Alock’s own indigenous Navamsa research which is a revolution in understanding and predicting through Navansa is the basic highlight of this Level.
  2. Navamsa rectification to correct the birth times.
  3. Timing of Events through Navamsa with a Special Navamsa Dasha being revealed in this Level, Separate from the one revealed in the Previous Level.
  4. Special Navamsa-based remedies have been found working in more than a decade’s experience.

A Webinar No Serious Learner in Astrology Should Afford to Miss and A Technique which According to Students is Revolutionary and is the best they have known so far.

Course Curriculum

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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